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Taxation Attorney in Dana Point, California

Tax issues arise in virtually all practice areas, and we are adept at handling a wide array of transactional, employment, and wealth management matters for corporations, partnerships, joint ventures, tax-exempt organizations, and individuals. At Nick Yocca Law Firm, our attorneys structure sophisticated solutions to tax issues arising from virtually every form of business transaction, while striking a balance between the tax considerations of the transaction and the client's business objectives.

Our attorneys are well versed in all areas of federal, state, local, and international taxation of closely owned and publicly held corporations, as well as partnerships, limited liability companies, tax-exempt organizations, and individuals. Our transactional expertise includes all aspects of tax-free and taxable reorganizations, mergers, acquisitions, distributions, and financings. Beyond that, Yocca attorneys also advise on real estate development matters, venture capital investments, fund formations, technology transfers, and tax-exempt financings.

Dealing With Tax Issues?

In addition to advising clients with respect to federal tax issues, Yocca tax attorneys are also very knowledgeable in the area of state and local taxation, and regularly advise municipalities and local agencies on their tax matters. Yocca attorneys also regularly advise U.S. and foreign clients on investments and transactions that span international boundaries.

Other important areas of the firm's practice include advising clients in connection with employee benefit and pension plans, profit-sharing plans, and executive compensation, as well as individual investment, estate planning, and probate issues.